Home DNA Test Kit
Get answers without leaving your home!
What Comes in a
Home DNA Test Kit?
For most at-home paternity tests, DNA from cheek cells are used, so the kit includes special swabs as well as paper envelopes for storage.
Details about a
Home Paternity Test Kit
A home paternity test kit contains enough DNA-collection materials to test one (1) child + one (1) possible father + the mother (her participation is included in the lab fee and is recommended, but not required):
12 cheek swabs (four swabs per participant)
3 DNA sample envelopes to hold the participants’ swabs after samples are taken
1 payment form (for use if the responsibility party does not choose to register online)
1 prepaid return mailer
1 set of instructions
Is a Home Paternity Test Kit Right for Me?
If you don’t anticipate needing results for court or for other legal reasons, then a home paternity test kit is the perfect choice. The kit contains all the materials needed for testing, plus a trackable postage-paid mailer. Once your kit arrives, you swab all test participants in the comfort of home—no visit to a clinic required. Then seal the sample envelopes and send them off to our lab. It’s just that simple!
Home Paternity Test Results
The report is posted to your secure online account 1-2 business days after all samples have been received at the lab.

Home DNA Test Kit for Paternity
Q: The swabs look like regular cotton swabs I can get at the store. Are they the same?
A: The DNA testing swabs are like cotton swabs, but with some very important modifications. The tips are made from a special Dacron polyester material that is optimal for DNA collection and extraction of the DNA in the laboratory. This material effectively captures the cells needed for paternity testing and holds on to them.
Q: Why are so many swabs required for a test from DDC?
A: Not all companies that do paternity testing require four swabs per participant, but DDC does; this is because the lab runs each test twice by independent teams in order to ensure complete accuracy.
In-Home HIV Test
Free just pay shipping!
OraQuick In-Home HIV Test is an FDA approved over-the-counter HIV test that allows you to test quickly and easily in the comfort of your own home.
Same test doctors have relied on for years
Oral swab – no blood
Get your results at home in just 20 minutes
24/7 call center support with bi-lingual English/Spanish representatives

Kit Includes:
Durable plastic case containing all test kit contents
Pouch containing a Single Use Test Device
Pouch containing a Test Tube filled - 1mL of liquid
Disposable Bag
Testing Directions attached to plastic box
Pre-Test Booklet - HIV, Testing & Me
Post-Test Booklet - What your results mean to You!
Package Insert