Collector Training
Our DOT Urine Specimen Collector Training covers DOT rules and regulations for professional specimen collections for drug testing and the required 5 mock specimen collections. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive their proficiency certificate for DOT specimen collections for drug testing.
Training Success Guarantee
Our training comes with the industry’s only Training Success Guarantee. If you encounter a Fatal Flaw causing a drug test to be canceled, we will conduct your Error Correction Training free of charge. Our Training Success Guarantee is available to all students who hold an active training certificate issued by KB-The Drug & DNA Lady.

Did You Know?
Do I have to go through refresher training?
Yes. Each qualified collector must go through refresher training every five (5) years in order to remain eligible to collect DOT specimens. [See 40.33(e)] The content of the refresher training must be the same or equivalent to your initial training and proficiency demonstration content. It is expected that you stay current with any changes to the DOT regulations and not wait for the refresher training to learn about them.
Once I’m qualified, how do I get business?
Becoming a collector was a business decision. As such, you will need to grow your business according to your business model/plan. Transportation trade shows, the internet or the local yellow pages are a good place to start looking for DOT regulated clients.
Does DOT offer collector training?
DOT does not offer collector training, maintain lists of training programs or qualified trainers; nor does it approve, certify or recommend the training programs of any organization or entity. Collection sites may conduct their own training or solicit an outside organization or entity (e.g. professional training service) to do its training. To find such a training service, you may search the yellow pages, the internet or contact industry associations or organizations.
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What You Can Expect From Us
With our detailed, hands-on specimen collector training you will:
Demonstrate a comprehension coverage of DOT rules & regulations CFR, Part 40
Conduct 5 mock specimen collections covering common & uncommon testing scenarios
Receive additional resources and documents to advance your knowledge
Perform collections with efficiency
Achieve Specimen Collector Certification
Maintain supportive communication with our training and testing experts
What's Included?
Students will receive access to a interactive online course where student will learn current DOT regulations (49 CFR Part 40), and cover procedural training requirements for professional urine specimen collectors. Students will be mailed a testing kit for the required DOT 5 mock collections. Testing Steps and Scripted Statements are located in the resource documents located in the online training.
2 hr
400 US dollarsLoading days...
400 US dollars